Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A former friend

This is dedicated to someone I considered a friend. To someone who has created a world of hurt, not only to the person you betrayed but to all of us who believed in you. Believed you were a sweet and special person, funny charming and kind. Not to say that you are not those things. You may be, but you're also so much more.

See, I can’t understand how a person can betray and hurt another so deep with so little remorse. Obviously, you aren't thinking about the consequences or at least them actually happening to you. But then when the consequences come, when you get caught in your deceit how do you justify it, how do you come out your face with all that shit? Doesn't it taste bad coming out your mouth, or are you just so used to your mouth having a load of shit in it?

I mean do you actually hear what you are saying? I hear you. I just can't believe that you believe that someone would believe you. But I guess the gullible people out there help you to justify. They believe you, right? They actually don't but since they want to believe you they disregard the reality for the words. But they are faithful people who chose to see the good. They are not to blame.

The only one to blame (other than YOU) is the enablers. How you gonna have your mom lying for you? Really? I mean what kind of trifling ass shit is that? But a person like that, that can do something like that, they are bound to breed and raise someone like you. Cycles. No Wonder.

And even though it seems so straight forward, I still don't get it. What goes on in that brain of yours? How do you justify betrayal and blame? That’s the kicker right there.
I'm the reason you messed up? I caused you to do this? You're joking, right? Are you seriously standing there telling me you are so weak minded that you can't think for yourself. You have no control? Again, do you hear yourself? You are standing there admitting that you're nothing but a weak stupid son of a bitch.

Please, for me, go ahead and look in that mirror, look straight into your eyes and tell yourself that the anguish you've caused is OK cause they made you do it. OK cause they really deserved it. The others affected by your shit, who are experiencing this betrayal for the first time, BECAUSE OF YOU, did they deserve it too?

Look at yourself. Tell me, do you like what you see?

I don’t.

I see something different than you. I see a weak ass boy - don't you dare call yourself a man. I see someone who is selfish, a heartless cad too stupid to realize that you just wasted away the only chance at happiness that you didn't even deserve in the first place. And supposedly not even on a pair of legs but on a ridiculous sense of pride, respect, being "the man". We won't even go there on your asinine blame game. That just shows how petty and dickless you really are.

To my former friend who has hurt many, including me, beyond repair, I say this:
You aren't the man; you're no man at all. You are a punk bitch that deserves no less than to be skinned alive and then left for the vultures to play with.

Oh, and since I'm a bitch and not a punk, I can't wait to see you to tell you to your face.